The Musicology of Numerology

music instrumental or vocal sounds that have been combined in this way [art of the muse]

musicology: the study of music, it’s history, forms, methods etc. [fr. MUSIC + Gk. logos, word] numerology: the study of the hidden, magical significance of numbers [fr. L. numerous, number + Gk. logos, discourse]

As a musician, artist, and deep thinker, I have always found myself searching for the meaning in life and how it is meant to support and enrich our very fabric of existence. This ongoing discussion throughout my life has been a driving force in the development of my personal philosophy, and how I might be able to help others if they are so inclined to seek the significance that is trapped inside of the universal truths in the things that remain hidden. To begin to unlock these hidden treasures it is necessary to have a basic overview of the life and achievements of the Greek mathematician and philosopher from around 580BC known as Pythagoras.

Pythagoras as a young man was a musician who played the lyre and won prizes for his feats of strength at the early Olympics. He then travelled the world and gathered knowledge before founding the Pythagorean school which was considered the knowledge of Europe in its day. The Pythagoreans believed in metempsychosis, and thought that the soul imprisoned in the body could be purified by study, and followed a strict discipline of purity and self-examination. Pythagoras believed that the elements of numbers were the elements of the world, and discovered the numerical ratios of the intervals in the musical scale. The Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides is attributed to his school. He regarded his school as a mouseion, meaning temple of the Muses. It was a building used for the exhibition and preservation of objects that illustrate human and natural history, especially the arts and sciences. This is where we get the idea of a museum.

The Pythagorean belief of metempsychosis is where we get the idea of reincarnation or the transmigration of the soul. Another theory from this extraordinary man was the music of the spheres or celestial harmony produced by the vibrations of the spheres in which the planets moved. Pythagoras was also the architect of musical theory allowing for the harmony of multiple instrumentation, and the promotor of the single digit Pythagorean numerology. This list of achievements encompasses a very wide range of significant ideas in the development of man's philosophy, arts, maths, sciences, and humanities.

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The interval ratios in the musical scale, the celestial harmony and balance of the planets produced by the spheres, the triangle and geometry, our musical theory and orchestration, the soul and the afterlife, the museum, and last but not least the promotion of the single digit Pythagorean numerology. This is an incredible body of knowledge that we can attribute to Pythagoras, especially when one considers that there was nothing written down by the man and all of his teachings were passed on by word of mouth. Yet, all of the Greek philosophers that come after Pythagoras give praise to him for their knowledge in the words “he said it”.

Now that we have established an overview regarding the significance of this man, it is time that we further delve into the concept of what is numerology. Pythagoras believed that the realities of our existences were based on the realities of numbers moving through time subjugated by the dualities of opposites, contraries, and paradoxes. He believed that if you really want to get to the root of a problem you must first get to the simplest and most basic math of the situation to solve the answer or reach a conclusion. It is in this manner that we must approach the subject and numerical language of numerology. In its essence numerology is a code of number crunching to arrive at the lowest single digit common denominator. In its practise we can only use the numbers 1 through 9, as 0 is not considered as a number and has no value. The numbers can only be added or multiplied, and not divided or subtracted. It is the universal language of infinity, balance, order, growth, regeneration, rebirth, structure, vibration, infinite codes, and the soul imprisoned in the body.

Every one of us is in fact a human vessel or temple for our sacred soul. We are born with it and it stays with us until we take our last breath. The function of this soul is to make you want to become a better human being, as that is it’s sole purpose or raison d’être. It is in essence the special thing that separates mankind from all of the other animals. It makes man want to become the celestial human being that he once was. Someone that he was more familiar with before his introduction to “the Digitalization of Man”. If we truly have any desire to reign over and regain the natural special gifts that are born within us we must begin to address that which we have lost in our virtual world reality. These character traits that we are rapidly expunging from our existences include memory, originality, attention span, balance, judgement, harmony, common sense, literacy, numeracy, competency, grounding to the natural system, and love. In other words every natural humanistic quality that we once took for granted, and every hope for a better life which is now humanly unattainable in our present concurrent machine state. The main problem is that the digital language has no vibration and is therefore dead of any feeling or experience. How will mankind begin to correct this travesty being inflicted upon his inner being and human wellness?

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I believe that the answer to this predicament lies in a concept of math, music, and the vibration of radio waves in Hertz which I am now calling “the Musicology of Numerology”. Numerology is a numerical language dating back to the time of Pythagoras around 580BC and uses a system of 9 space(3x3) Greek squares that can be added or multiplied, and reduced to a single digit number or infinite 3 digit frequency code. It is based on the 9 space Greek square called the Trophos meaning Sound.

  • 1 4 7
  • 2 5 8
  • 3 6 9

The Trophos represents the quintessence of numerology as it is at once both analog computer that reflects the quantum nature of the universe and a balance beam that imparts truth, harmony, and infinite vibrational frequency codes. As a balance beam that rotates around the middle number of 5 we can see how the opposing numbers all add up to 10, as in 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, and 4+6, with the middle number of 5 added to itself equalling 10.

When looked upon as 3 digit vertical runs or horizontal vibrational frequency codes all variations remain divisible by 3. This is what makes the language so infinitely perfect and sound as it is pure logic, balance, truth, and music. The major breakthrough that I had noticed in the Trophos square was in the interval ratio of the horizontal lines of 147, 258, and 369. Between the first and second number is a space of 3, and remains a constant spacing of 3 between the second and third numbers, as well as the third number back to the first. So what this means is that for every horizontal frequency there are two subsequent sympathetic codes or frequencies in its oscillations. For example 147 oscillates 471 and 714, where 258 vibrates 582 and 825, while 369 crescendos at 693 and 936. What is produced by this exercise is an axiomatic list of frequency codes that start at 1 and finish at 9. These codes all have a horizontal spacing of 3 between columns, and a spacing of 1 between each number in the vertical columns. Here are our 9 frequencies in vertical sequential order beginning with 147, 258, 369, 471, 582, 693, 714, 825, and 936.

  • 1 4 7
  • 2 5 8
  • 3 6 9
  • 4 7 1
  • 5 8 2
  • 6 9 3
  • 7 1 4
  • 8 2 5
  • 9 3 6

A further realization was that these 3 digit codes, with a spacing or interval ratio of 3, in a mirror reflection alternately produced frequencies of our musical scale in the concert pitch of A=432 Hz containing an interval ratio or spacing of 6 in between each and every single digit.

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  • 1 4 7
  • 2 5 8
  • 3 6 9
  • 9 6 3
  • 8 5 2
  • 7 4 1
  • 1 1 1
  • 1 1 1
  • 1 1 1

The 3 digit codes start at 1 and continue axiomatically to 9, where the 6 space musical codes start at 9 moving in a reverse direction back to 1. And so it is in this manner that the last code of 369 in the Trophos square becomes the first code of 963 in the 9 integer musical square, and the middle code of 258 becomes the reflection and second code of 852, leaving the first code of 147 to become the third code of 741 in the reflective musical frequency square. When any single space of the Trophos square is added to the same space in the other musical square the total result is equal to 1. The three oscillatory frequencies of 963, 852, and 741 in the musical square provide us with the last three whole notes of Ti, La, and Sol moving in a backward or reverse direction in our musical scale. These three frequencies of the second musical square when oscillated will provide all 9 musical frequencies in the concert pitch of A=432Hz that move in a reverse direction starting at 963, 852, 741, 639, 528, 417, 396, 285, and 174. The result of these nine frequencies represents the seven whole notes of Ti, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, and Do, plus the two sympathetic vibrations of 285Hz or Aum from the Moon, and 174Hz or the energy of the One from the Sun. The two sympathetic vibrations of each note are from the result of how sound can move at the speed of light with reflective properties in its variables of bounce-backs, oscillations, and echoes. You see it is not just the singular energy of light or sound that one must consider in the equation, but the combined energy of light and sound that creates the flow of the Universe. The same as it is not just the concept of time or space on this miracle(Mi) of the third planet that we call Earth, but the conjoint effort of time and space that is derived from the experience in life that we are afforded from connecting to the analog system of our wonderful planet. This experience of life’s rich rewards is a concept that is slipping away from us as man becomes fully immersed and saturated by the negative energy flow that now pervades in our non experiential machine state being produced by “the Digitalization of Man”, and the loss of his sacred Soul. This is the dilemma facing our celestial human existence that must now be addressed when considering the value or worth of learning and performing “the Musicology of Numerology” which I believe is the language of your Soul. If not for yourself, make it available to your children.

  • 1 4 7
  • 2 5 8
  • 3 6 9
  • 4 7 1
  • 5 8 2
  • 6 9 3
  • 7 1 4
  • 8 2 5
  • 9 3 6
  • 9 6 3
  • 8 5 2
  • 7 4 1
  • 6 3 9
  • 5 2 8
  • 4 1 7
  • 3 9 6
  • 2 8 5
  • 1 7 4
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The question that you may be asking yourself is how can there be nine musical frequencies when our scale of music only contains seven whole notes ranging from Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, and then back to Do to create the octave? I believe that the answer lies in “the Music of the Spheres” in our solar system. The first whole note of Do(396Hz) represents the third planet of Earth and ends at the seventh whole note of Ti(963Hz) which oscillates from the ninth planet of Pluto. The first two frequencies of 174Hz vibrating from Mercury, and 285Hz emitting from Venus are not whole notes because these first two planets do not possess any orbital moons and are therefore not capable of producing a resonant field but are nonetheless a part of the system and tied to the vibrational continuum. It is my contention that Mercury and Venus are in conjunction or are conjoint with the Sun and the Moon and act as a buffering agent in the energy field. It is in this manner that any of the nine notes or planets can create an oscillatory octave and become a universal Alpha and Omega, or beginning and end of the planetary series creating a musical time/space continuum of vibration and sound that binds and connects us to the natural order of our solar system. Only the 3 oscillations contianing the integers of 3, 6, and 9, belong to the 7 note musical scale.

The beauty of how this numerology is able to translate into the musical frequencies of our whole notes is really quite astounding. You see the reflection of the codes would not have had this incredible significance until Heinrich Hertz (1857-94), the German physicist was able to develop the frequencies of radio waves. They cannot be invented because they just exist as a part of our Universe yet the ancient Greeks were able to see the reflection of “Music” as “Sound” in the meaning of the word “Trophos”. In 1889 Nikola Tesla noticed a repeating signal being received by his apparatus and believed it was a communication from an extra-terrestrial source. In a letter to the Red Cross Tesla wrote “Brothers we have a message from another world, it reads 1, 2, 3!” Although he was laughed at and ridiculed Nikola Tesla may have been the first person to observe radio waves from space.

Earlier in this article I stated how Pythagoras was responsible for popularizing numerology. Even though this may be true you might be wondering where did this single digit math actually originate? I believe that the answer to this question dates back 5000 years ago to the ancient Sumerian civilization. Known to be the first high civilization of man, the language of ancient Sumer survived in cuneiform inscriptions. This was achieved by inscribing information on wet clay tiles and then storing the knowledge for posterity. Accredited for creating our first libraries of knowledge the language of Sumer seems to be related to no other, either living or dead. The Sumerians were able to use two forms of math, one being of decimal, and the other one using a duo-decimal system of 6’s and 12’s. This is where our numerology comes from.

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The single digit Pythagorean numerology is a form of this math that we still use today in many of our significant concepts, games, and pastimes. It keeps our brains functional and in tune, is all around us, and yet nobody seems to know of its existence. Examples of this concept can be found when breaking down the feet in inches on a tape measure as in 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 etc. providing an infinite repeating code of 369. Also in a pair of dice having 6 sides, or game of golf with 9 or 18 holes. Card games that use 3 card runs as in 123, or 3 of a kind which add up to numbers that are all divisible by 3 much like the frequencies of our music. There is the Greek game of Backgammon that works on the principle of 15 men (breaking down to 6 in the single digit) on each side (adding to 30 or 3), with one side moving clockwise, while the other side moves counterclockwise. If we add 6+3=9 we receive the frequency of Fa in Hertz which is the middle note of our musical scale meaning Famulus in Latin or family. The code of 639 is also the number of seeds in a pomegranate reflecting our nature, as well as the number of absolutions in the Orthodox Jewish faith.

Our modern clock is a device that uses 12(3) hours for both day and night which adds to 24(6) hours revealing increments that pertain to the quality of Man’s experience involved in our time and space. On the dial of our watches the numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12 are highlighted with the number 12 returning to a 3 in the single digit acting much like an octave of our music. On a 24 hour timepiece the second set of highlighted numbers become 15, 18, 21 and 24 for the second 12 hours. These numbers give the code of 6, 9, 3 and 6 acting as the octave. It is in this manner that the first oscillation of 369 becomes 693 much like how the frequencies of our music work. The interplay of 3+3=6, 6+6=3, and 3+6=9 is also representative of a wireless alternating current energy that exists between Mankind and the Universe. The multiple’s of 3, 6, and 9 as in 369, 639, and 999 when viewed in horizontal rows or vertical columns show an infinite positive, negative, and ground, alternating current feature that connects us and grounds us to the natural system. These frequencies in a 9 space Greek square show 369 the Soul code of our Spirit, the musical frequency of Fa or 639 of Man, and the addition of both resulting in 3 of a kind. Apart from revealing the alternating current wireless energy between Man and the Soul, this particular square shows us how two Soul codes equal a Man code, and two Man codes result in a Soul code, while the addition of a Soul and a Man code become three of a kind. Also the numbers when read horizontally and vertically form an infinite matrix cross of 639. These laws apply when adding vertical columns or horizontal rows as opposed to adding 3 digit numbers together.

  • 3 6 9
  • 6 3 9
  • 9 9 9
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When looking at the circle containing 360 degrees we are also witnessing the geometric symbol of a Universal Pi shape with a number providing 3+6=9. This code of 369 can be found adorning the base of ancient Greek statues. The circle represents the One or energy of the Sun reflective of the infinite number 8 or sideways infinity symbol being the only number that when multiplied by itself equals 64 or 1 in the single digit. Up until 1972 before the monetary system of the British Sterling Pound was changed to decimal, Britain also used the single digit math in its currency of pounds, shillings and pence. A pound consisted of 240 pence, or 20 shillings of 12 pence each. Therefore 12 pence or 3 in a shilling, and 20 shillings of 12 equalling 240 or 6 in a pound. There are 2 half crowns of 10 shillings equalling 120 pence each and you start to get the picture of how this interchange of 3+3=6 and 6+6=3 can work. As opposed to just adding whole numbers it is more based on a principle that would have been used in the old accounting system of the ledger. When a farm or company would perform its accounting duties it would be in 3 columns of pennies, shillings and pounds. First you would add up the column of all your pennies and carry over your shillings to the next column. Then add up all of your shillings and carry over your pounds to the next column to deduce the in’s and out’s of your expenses.

This coded math has the ability to transcend many other forms of math like decimal, geometry, quantum and matrix mechanics, quarks, fibonacci, and may be the answer to the vibrational seventh string theory or unifying agent for all of the other six string theories. In its quintessence it seems to reach similar and congruent conclusions to all of these other formats. One can only wonder how it has managed to stay a puzzle for all of these years considering its simplicity. It is a riddle that has been waiting to be solved at the appropriate time for the betterment of man. I believe it to be the secret math of Pythagoras that scholars have been trying to solve since his death around 580 BC. Our life on this Earth seems to resonate and vibrate to the special number which is 3. We live in the third dimension, on the third planet from the Sun, and it is alway’s the third option that gives man a choice in his destiny.

Clues to this puzzle can be found in the Latin definitions of the two notes which have frequencies that break down to 3 in the single digit. One being Re meaning resonance at 417Hz stating “Action in answer to or intended to undo a situation, or that performance of the new action brings back an earlier state of affairs”. The other being Sol meaning SO-lve pollute (So-lve) at 741Hz stating “to find the answer or explanation for; clean up; explain; to solve a mystery or puzzle, to work out the answer to (a mathematical problem.) So in other words to solve the pollution of the day which I believe to be “the Digitalization of Man”. It may also be noted that 369 and 963 are the only reflectional and oscillatory recurring codes in all 9 musical, and reflective soul code frequencies that are not used in the first and second code oscillations. Also the numbers 3, 6, and 9 when multiplied by 4 remain as 3, 6 and 9.

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It is my contention that Pythagoras is the third of our 3 most significant prophets. This unknown prophet rests directly in between Moses the prophet of God and Jesus the prophet of Man, with Pythagoras representing the prophet of the Soul. He lives in a time when the Greek Apocrypha was written which means “things that are hidden”. It is a book of 15 stories containing themes ranging from music, comedy, tragedy, drama, romance and so on, or in other words the arts. Many of the books are included in the Greek Septuagint, and are original Greek writings, as well as 13 of the 15 books being canonized in the Roman Catholic Bible. Pythagoras believed that he was the fifth metempsychosis or reincarnation of the son of Hermes and a mortal wife. Hermes offered to give his half mortal son named Athelides anything that he desired except for immortality. Athelides asked that, alive or dead, he should remember what happened to him. So Pythagoras remembered everything. How he was first Athelides, then Euphorbus, then Hermotius, then Pyrrhus, the Delian fisherman, and after the death of Pyrrhus, he became Pythagoras. This claim at the time may have seemed about as bold as the one from Jesus about being the Sole Son of the Only God, but is Pythagoras not saying the same thing as Jesus, by telling us that he is the conscious Soul of the Son of God? And if the metempsychosis takes 216 years to fulfill, is it not possible that the Soul of Jesus could be the third resurrection of the Soul of Pythagoras or the eighth reincarnation of the Son of Hermes? If you believe in the transmigration of the Soul and have an open mind, this is all food for thought.

The Christians believe that the only way to reach heaven is through Jesus, but maybe what our Saviour was really saying was that like himself anyone is able to connect to the energy from the Spirit of our Father, and “not” that Jesus was the only way. Like Pythagoras there is nothing really written down by Jesus as all of his teachings were spoken by word of mouth to his followers, with a further manipulation from the church. While alive this commitment did Jesus make unto his disciples, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26). In this instance Jesus tells us that at some point in time the Comforter which is connected to the Soul Collective will come and teach us something completely different. I believe that this relates to man losing his memory and attention span in our virtual reality due to the overuse of the digital devices, and the negative impact associated with them. Our Soul may be the only way to reconnect to our human remembrance.

  • 9 6 3
  • 6 3 9
  • 3 9 6
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All of the different mathematical and numerical systems, concepts and games of the past that I have cited for your benefit throughout this discourse have had one thing in common, and I am only using a fraction of the examples that exist, and that is they all work on the principle of the single digit Pythagorean numerology. It is a method of counting and thinking that has been written into our daily lives and history, giving us joy and significance, yet remains unbeknown to us. How is it possible to be so significantly influenced by the things that remain hidden? Could this analog computer be a scheme of divine intervention to keep Man aware and mentally functional? Or is it a design from the inter dimensional time travellers who foretold the days of futures past? How will the congregation react to this new information, in our manipulated and brainwashed world? I suppose that nobody will notice, or give it a second thought. To be able to solve a problem you must first be aware that one exists. Forgive us Father, for we know not what we do!

So throughout our history Mankind has been unconsciously using this form of numerology on a daily basis which has in turn kept Man the even keeled, free thinking, sentient and logical celestial human being that he has been designed to be by the Grand Architect of Life or Creator whoever that may be. Paradoxically we go to a church that tells us the study of numerology meaning the significance of numbers, is a gateway to evil and should be avoided at all costs. Even though the church tells us this, they paradoxically use a significant number or code before each and every verse of the Bible, which ironically also subconsciously helps to heal and stimulate our minds. Do they know something that we do not?

This scenario is a truly perplexing conundrum that has somehow managed to keep the human civilization in check, healthy and mentally capable of carrying on a rewarding lifestyle or existence for thousands of years. Man is now beginning to experience the onslaught of human devastation resulting from the paradigm shift of 12/12/12 to a sub-human machine state. As we start to see how the madness of the modern age is unfolding all around us, one has to wonder, how long can we support our over-extended lifestyle, or our humanity? As opposed to the analogous celestial free thinking beings that we once were for millennia, will it now be in terms of centuries, decades, or even years? How long can this planet sustain our unquenchable needs as we pollute the water, decimate the land and exterminate all of the different species? The pitch and the key of our destiny now lies in the examination and performance of “the Musicology of Numerology”. Only time will tell as the future is now up to us. If not for yourself, do it for your Soul.

  • 1 4 7
  • 2 5 8
  • 3 6 9
  • 8 5 2
  • 7 4 1
  • 6 3 9
  • 9 9 9
  • 9 9 9
  • 9 9 9
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