
wordplay verbal wit, esp. punning || an instance of this


definition an act of defining ll clearness of detail, esp. of the image given by a lens in a photograph, or on a television screen

soul the immortal part of man as distinguished from his body || the moral and emotional nature of man as distinguished from his mind || the vital principle which moves and animates all life || a human being

In this series of paintings, which I refer to as the “Gallery of Souls”, I decided to branch out and away from the math, and create something that was a little bit more simplistic. As I laid down circles, squares and triangles inside of boxes that were placed askew, I began to reveal images of faces that reminded me of the nameless, selfless, and as of late, unappreciated soul that resides within all of us.

Your human life form is the vessel or matrix of life in which your soul survives. As humanity becomes more and more digitalized, meaning machine-like, the soul is finding it more and more difficult to cope with the stress of existing in a contaminated un-pure, and non-analog being. The perception of your knowledge is based solely upon your sensory experience. How else can you properly learn how to know yourself? How have you been treating your soul lately?

metempsychosis transmigration of souls || an instance of this

This 3-piece ensemble of word paintings are a concise example expressing much in a few words. After completing my last thesis in 2013 titled “The Meaning of Life by Definition, or an instance of this”, I began to paint the words instead of the numbers, which was previously the case. Just for the record I do not usually date my artworks. That is not to say that there is not some form of chronology. My first three works were merely blue pen and black marker on office paper, and dated October 21st, November 1st, and 11-11-11 each being exactly 10 days apart. In 2012 I added a red marker and correction fluid to my works, and would sign them 12-12-12 Michael Dillon in reference to the end of a cycle on the Mayan calendar and the beginning of the paradigm shift occurrence involving the digitalization of man.

In 2013 I just signed Michael Dillon 13 to my work. This was partly because 13 is my favorite number and partly because without a thirteenth month I could no longer go 13-13-13. In 2014 when I painted these word definitions, my creations reveal Roman Numerals on the bottom left and my M.D. initial signature on the right. Now in 2015 my pieces are signed with an M.D. initial signature on the left and a title on the bottom right. Of course, this is not to say that there are no exceptions to the rule but it does make for a rather decent guideline assuming anyone is interested.

faith trust, confidence || complete acceptance of a truth which cannot be demonstrated or proved by the process of logical thought || a religion based upon this

This trilogy of iconic looking woman from the past continues with my artistic progression of introducing a second colour over correction fluid when I added a blue magic marker after three years of using only the one single color red. I felt that having two colors could help to create more variety in my work. Also, I painted over a pre-existing metallic image effecting a further dimension of color and light in this Warholian treatment.

Each title adds up numerically to the infinite, God-like number 8, but surprisingly you will not find a scriptural reference in the Bible to the word trust. This reminds me of a quote from Oliver Cromwell when he said “Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry!”.

silhouette a person or object seen against the light || with this effect

After a 3 year hiatus, which became an art sabbatical when I began to paint the math, numbers and geometry of numerology, I decided to try something a little different by using the colour blue. These 3 paintings are a part of my silhouette series executed in the spring of 2015 and the start of what I consider to be my blue period. The silhouette is an artistic vehicle which has been used in art for time in memorial. As a vivid art form it has the ability to leave a lasting impression. For what is art but a visual historical record, a moment in time, an echo of the past, a trace of our existence, a carbon footprint, or an instance of this?

retrospection the act or process of reviewing the past || an instance of this

After completing the Gallery of Souls series of paintings earlier in the year of 2015, I delivered a grouping of six paintings that I categorized under the heading of “Retrospection”. While looking through some old papers from my 2013 period, I discovered some marker imprint samples that bled through previously executed works. I had saved these imprints thinking that I could create some secondary images at a later date. These later depictions use only certain elements from the original resulting in a completely different look and feel.

Working in this format gave me the chance to revisit and re-examine my older works so that I could re-establish my previous geometric and mathematical side of the art. The major difference is in the lack of precision on these newer pieces. Instead of using perfect lines, the lines are only as good as can be done by hand. This imperfect style seems to result in a more realistic feel that pops, vibrates and breathes.

anomalous not in conformity with what is usual or expected, often involving an apparent contradiction or paradox

This odd collection of anomalies consists of six selections, three of which are sculpture, two being paintings, and one that can be viewed as a painting or sculpture. The first sculpture is called “A String Theory”. This piece was executed after changing the strings on my 12-string guitar. It is meant to show the correlation between music, vibration, and quantum physics. The second sculpture is “Gods Rules” and is made up of rulers used for over three years of matrix paintings. The third sculpture is called “DESIGNER’SCREW” and is fairly self-explanatory. The fourth piece is a painting I call “Recycled Art”. I bought a second hand picture for the frame and later realized that half of the picture was painted on inside the glass. Instead of discarding this frame, I incorporated the background painting inside of the glass into my picture of a spaceship, thereby recycling the art. In the fifth work of art, which is not only a painting but a sculpture as well, I was able to find this beautiful African hand hammered, cut metal copper wall hanging in a second hand store. There was a square shape in the middle of the sculpture that seemed empty. I decided to place a matrix painting on canvas of a four-way reflection, Spin Quantum Number 1 square. Because this painting shows a lost form of math, and the metal background reveals a highly skilled lost art of hand hammered metal work, I decided to call the piece “Lost Art”. This sixth and final artwork in the anomalous category is another piece from my designer series which I call “DESIGNER’SAGE”. It is similar to the second piece “God's Rules” in the way that it is not only a sculpture that can be viewed horizontally, but also a painting which can be hung vertically. This piece reveals how the modern day Designer Sage is in fact a messenger who is embroiled in drug abuse.

analog computer device that provides continuous readings in contrast to a digital device that provides discrete readings e.g., a water or electric meter, a slide rule

In these three paintings I tried to illustrate how the more I delved into the math of our musical frequencies in Hertz at the correct concert pitch of A=432 Hz (divisible by 3), and applied these rates to the single digit Pythagorean Numerology, the more I realized and became aware of how much the vibrational energies of our universe function like an analog computer. Working with these infinite analog codes of vibration can help your mind’s eye to connect to the energies of the planet by opening your intuition and awareness, and grounding you with the cosmos.

vibration the single periodic to-and-fro motion of a body etc., eg. the vibrating string of a violin || a single instance of this

Three more entries that further explain with deeper understanding the relationship between math, music and vibration. In the piece titled “Vibratory 3’s, 6’s and 9’s!”, we can see visually what Nikola Tesla may have been thinking about when he said “If we only knew the power of 3’s, 6’s and 9’s”. In the second piece aptly named “TRIADS”, I have shown how the oscillating frequencies of the 7-note solfeggio scale in the concert pitch of A=432 Hz in fact work very similarly to the triad patterns on an 88-key piano. Visualizing the numeracy in regards with the audibility provides further correlation of the interconnection of math, music and vibration. In this third piece called “Star of David Paradox”, we can seen how the 4-way reflection of the Star of David Matrix, which contains the frequencies from the beginning, middle and end of the musical scale (Do, Fa, and Ti), not only reveals the geometric patterns of double triangles, but also of double boxes, crosses, and swastikas encompassing all of the symbols from man’s most prominent religions. If there is one thing that all religions have in common and might be able to agree upon, wouldn’t it be math, music and vibration?

-Space is the idea which each person forms and develops, as the result of his sense perceptions, that there exist ‘things’ other than himself, and that his own body consists of ‘parts’, and that these bear an orderly relationship to one another which he describes in terms of position in space and distance from one another. Experience associates with this idea the quality of being the same always, and thus the idea of time is also involved. The interrelationship of space and time as a condition of being is treated mathematically in the study of the space-time continuum. The idea ‘space’, like the idea ‘time’, is a relative concept, since it is based solely upon sensory experience

In this section we can contemplate on unique artworks designed to make you think about time and space. It’s not just one or the other. The same could be said about the energies of light and sound (photon and phonon), or music and vibration, or of our perception and sensory experience.

In “The Reflection of Time and Space”, I made a 4-way reflection of clocks, two moving clockwise and two moving counter clockwise. If you add the reflecting numbers horizontally they will all add up to 6. When you add the two sets of clocks in a vertical reflection they are moving in different directions and the addition of 6-s changes from an internal to an external reflection meaning they move away from each other. This simple clue might lead to solving the equation of anti-gravity. Like a combination lock you might need to click 3 tumblers simultaneously to unlock the essence.

The piece titled “Star of David” is actually referring to the 9 number picture on the wall and not the guy playing guitar. It is also the next evolution in my animated “Gallery of Souls” format.

The third creation is another “STAR OF DAVID PARADOX” image which shows us the correlation and interconnection involved in the combinations and divisibility of 3 in regards to the spacings or interval ratios involved in our music and vibration.

music of the spheres a celestial harmony thought by the Pythagoreans to be produced by the vibrations of the spheres in which the planets moved

With the “Music of the Spheres” illustration, you can see the entire 4-way reflective Star of David Matrix which moves in a reverse or counterclockwise direction from 9 to 1 on the first two lines. These two lines represent the 4-way reflection of musical frequencies which also provide the spiritual codes of the Soul. The second two lines show the entire 4-way reflective Star of David Matrix which moves in a forward or clockwise direction from 1 to 9 on the second two lines representing the 4-way reflection of the spiritual codes which also provide our musical frequencies in Hertz in the correct concert pitch of A=432 Hz. If we take any one of the numbers on the first two lines and add those to any of the reflection spaced numbers on the second two lines the result will add to one. If we move the top two-lined bar one 4-way reflection forward or reverse (clockwise or counterclockwise) the addition of the two numbers will change from 1 to 2 or 9 respectively right across the entire board.

This aspect shows how the Star of David Matrix, and the music, as well as the Universe functions much like an Analog Computer. Four horizontal lines containing 9 crosses per line. When you multiply 9 representing the numbers 1 to 9 by the number of sides on each cross of twelve, it will equal 108 sides per line. Multiply this by the 4 lines and it will equal 432 sides. This is the same number as the correct concert pitch in Hertz or radio waves, that was changed to 440Hz in 1953 because of a recommendation to the International Standards Organization (I.S.O.) in 1939 from Joseph Goebbels, who was at that time the Minister of Propaganda for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

This artwork titled “Music of the Spheres” named after a theory of Pythagoras is really only half of the picture. The second half or continuation starts with the third two lines from 1 to 9 of spiritual codes moving in a forward direction, and the fourth two lines starting with the musical frequencies from 9 to 1 moving in a reverse direction. In this way the matrix acts very much like a piano keyboard of 8 octaves, with sides of crosses adding to 864 (2x432) sides. A measurement phenomenon that aligns with 432Hz concert pitch is in the amount of the spatial musical intervals connected to the organic system and the timing of planetary movement. A phenomenon that is also based on another Pythagorean theory is "the interval ratios in the musical notes", as well as our Pythagoras who authored our musical theory. In our Solar System, Saturn is the accurate measurement and timepiece of the cosmos as it orbits the procession every 864 years. Also the natural patterns and nodal space resonance of scaler waves line up with the harmonic overtone partials of 432Hz concert pitch. By changing the tuning of our concert pitch to 440Hz in 1953, man was able to change the perception of dimension. At A=440Hz concert pitch tuning the sound of our music can seem brighter, thinner, up and to the side of the head, and has the ability to cause anti-social behaviour, as opposed to the correct concert pitch tuning of A=432Hz where one is able to experience the sound of our music and literally feel the rush of energy in the body, at the spine and in the heart. It’s really all about time and space, perception and experience, humanity and love.

logos (Gk philos.) reason, regarded as the controlling principle of the universe

In this single example called “Reflective”, I am offering in words the different elements of that which cannot be explained, or the things that are hidden. As human beings we need to train ourselves how to become more aware (know yourself) so that we may be able to identify that which lies just beneath the surface and that which has the ability to improve our existence by impacting our lives in so many wonderful ways.

Artistic Records

art objects made by creative artists ll one of the humanities (as distinct from a science) ll one of the liberal arts

STORY BOX: A collection of five tracks that reveal the emotions of love and love lost.

Published in 1997 Story Box is my first catalogued CD, one which contains five tracts that express different stories of life. “Shake It Baby” tells the tale of love and its eventual disintegration. “A Woman’s Point of View” has the narrator channeling the thoughts of a woman in a battered relationship. “The Man’s Point of View” tells the other side of the coin, where the man cannot except that he is at fault of any wrong doings. “Walking in the Distance” explores the reflective thoughts of the artists’ past, and “Young Love” weaves the contemplative emotions of never finding, or being mature enough to experience the vibrant feelings associated with the joy of a youthful love. When one opens the jewel-box container with the illustrated keyhole on the side, then the stories are revealed.

FORCES AT WORK: The revolutionary rock art concept showcasing ten of the authors favorite musical creations.

In 2005, I released the CD “Forces at Work”. The concept focuses not only on the forces of man and revolution, but also the forces of nature and the Spirit of Man. The album art involves a Canadian/Cubano, co-operative effort where I enlisted the help of my good friend, Cuban artist and sculptor Enrique Avila Gonzales to do all of the artwork. Enrique’s wonderful depictions of Che Guevera blended nicely with my first endeavor in speech writing, and started the beginning of a Spiritual awakening in my Soul.

DEATH IN THE AIR: The live musical conspiracy rockumentary.

Released in 2009, my third CD, “Death in the Air” sets the stage for a second Canadian/Cubano co-operative effort with the exceptionally talented Cuban artist and sculptor Enrique Avila Gonzales. Enrique’s lush, surrealistic masterpieces vibrate with energy and convey the concepts of conspiracy theory, saving the planet, and the destruction of the world.

For this offering I have taken on a band name calling this work “Michael Dillon and the Non-Believers Live Radio Broadcast of Death in the Air”. I believe this project containing thirty tracks, consisting of fifteen speeches and fifteen songs, would make a wonderful off-broadway musical stage production reminiscent of an Orson Wells “War of the Worlds” type radio broadcast. This creation also marks the beginning of my fascination with numbers and numerology.

GOD MATRIX, OSCILLATION 666: Only three divinely inspired tracks because that is all the audience has an attention span for.

In 2012 I finally received my message and artistic vision of God Matrix, releasing the three track CD “Oscillation 666”. The reason why there are only three songs on this offering is due to the paradigm shift of 12-12-12 that I have dubbed “The Digitalization of Man”, which removes the vibration and significance of the art and the music. Man now only holds the attention span for a three song listening. I also began to write the matrix language based on the single digit Pythagorean numerology, and the frequencies of the musical notes in Hertz (radio waves), as well as creating my own album artwork. The back of the CD shows the three songs on the left numbered with an oscilated Greek magic square, and on the right the song lengths show the frequencies in Hertz of the notes RE, FA and MI meaning Resonance, Family, and Miracles. The left and right squares also show us the significance in the reflection of space and time. All frequencies of the God Matrix are divisible by three, and are in the correct concert pitch of A= 432 Hz. The mathematical perfection of A= 432 Hz music was corrupted in 1953 when the I.S.O. (International Standards Organization) changed the concert halls of the world to A=440 Hz due to a recommendation in 1939 from Joseph Goebbels who was at the time the Minster of Propaganda for Adolf Hitler. All columns add up to the number six, which I believe is the number of the message, and the sixth sense or middle eye. The three sixes of vibration may also be the way to combat those of the Beast by fighting fire with fire, or by putting out fire with gasoline.

GOD MATRIX, STAR OF DAVID: God Matrix uncovers the beginning, the middle and the end of Man.

Star of David is the result of a collection of songs written by the artist over twenty-six years. It is actually a double album consisting of my first and third album on cassette tape, and my second and fifth CD release. Love Part I is what I considered representative of the up side, or the good part about love. Released in 1993 on cassette, it contains four songs from my first demo studio recording in 1983, conjoined with four songs from a home studio recording in 1993, ten years later. While trying to record Love Part 2, or the downside of love, timelines and budget constraints morphed that project into what became “Story Box” my first CD. I later recorded a collection of ten songs with a drummer and added these which I called “Uncovered” to my first recording of “Love Part 1” as a double album on CD, which I released in 2000. I called the CD “Uncovered” because they were recorded as blueprints with each title made as good as could be in one single night trying to capture the essence of the song, as opposed to a high quality studio venture. All tracks on this project, like all of my other CD’s are not mastered. I feel that an overproduction of the music takes away from and changes the sound by effects of over compression etc. Furthermore, none of these songs had been recorded by any other artist so they were uncovered. And, lastly I was able to save 50% of the $3000.00 cost of a 1000 print run of CD’s, by only printing 500 units and not putting on a cover, thus the name became “Uncovered”. It was like my white album, but instead of one colour there was none, just a clear plastic jewel-box container.

The album was also meant to give the impression of the lost tapes or files that were recently uncovered. I later decided to re-release the CD under the banner of “God Matrix, Star of David”.

GOD MATRIX, SPIN QUANTUM NUMBER 1: Michael Dillon comes full circle as in 360 degrees (3+6=9) recording an upclose and personal unplugged solo album in A=432 Hz concert pitch.

IN 2013 we witness the release of Spin Quantum Number 1, Michael Dillon’s sixth CD, considered by the artist to be the 1. Nothing fancy here, just good clean and emotional songwriting. Recorded live, off the floor in one night with no added tracks, Spin Quantum Number 1 reveals how music should sound in the proper concert pitch used by mankind for hundreds of years. Check the inside cover for the mathematical magic where every line of every box horizontally, vertically, diagonally and quadrantly adds to the 1. Add three boxes in any which way to equal 3. Amazing!

GOD MATRIX, an instance of this: Michael Dillon’s unreleased CD “an instance of this” unearths a secret hidden encoded passage in Webster’s dictionary revealing a gateway to the Soul, and a Key to the Kingdom.

I will not say too much about this yet to be released CD other than the fact that we exist as a moment in time, a reflection of our Soul and the Universe, an echo of the past, a memory of what once was, or an instance of this.

Lyrical Poetry

lyric expressing the poet’s intense personnel emotions, usually in short poems divided into stanzas ll meant to be sung set to music

bard n. a national poet, perhaps originally a minstrel, a narrator or singer of folk poetry, esp. ballads. Among the Celts, the bards became a highly organized society. In modern Wales a bard is a poet recognized at an eisteddfod bardic adj. relating to bards and to lyric poetry [Ir.]

Triptych Of This


Some do
Some can’t do
Some do and say they can’t
Some can’t but won’t admit it
Some pretend to do what they cannot
Some cannot but don’t realize their inability
Some achieve the impossible
Some can achieve nothing at all
Some can give all in the face of adversity
Some have nothing at all to give
Some can accomplish their dreams
Some have dreams that become nightmares
Some do everything yet ask for nothing
Some do nothing and are never satisfied
Some will go right or left always changing their direction
Some will just stand still always bearing their mind
Which one are you?


Some do
Some can’t do
Some do, say they can’t
Some do, but don’t really know how to
I do because I know sooner or later someone else will do it
When I see that someone has done that which I already did,
I find great significance in what I originally accomplished.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21

Juxtaposition Of This

Some don't and never will
Others can and won't
I can but stop myself

Them that might have not the time
Those with time will never mind
I don’t mind that which I cannot find

They say that time can heal all wounds
Though you may never bring back a moment in time
For time is of the essence as it must be experienced

In it’s space life might be viewed as an instance
For how special is the breadth which brings us light
And how sad the memory which extinguishes the eternal

My time has been full of love, life and significance
And I have spoken and sung deeply profound things
Is there space in this paradigm for a memory of my existence?

Burns, Robert (1759-96), Scottish poet. The son of a poor farmer, and himself a farm laborer until he was 27, he became famous on the publication of his first book of poems written in the vernacular. In an age of overliterary gentility they were direct, passionate, frank, bawdy, downright funny, shrewdly satirical, or passionately tender. His own musical gift made him a supreme songwriter.

Christian Radio

All the days that I felt for the rhyme
And the ways I would stop on a dime
Like a maze I would walk out of line
In a haze I was just doing time
Until one day that I felt for the sign
And realized in the life I could shine
For forty days I just felt the cause
And just thought about of mans laws
In a day for the fight to be free
Instead of all of this purgatory
There’s something there for you to see
And something real that you could be
Forget about all of your misery
And think of we and not just you and me
This is the time we should just celebrate
One single mind we can all jubilate
Radio oh woe woe
Christian Radio oh woe woe
All the love of the life that we breathe
And the cheer of the voice we conceive
Changing hearts of the one’s who deceive
To the day that we all can believe
There’s nothing here that we cannot achieve
And no mistake that we cannot reprieve
This is the day we can all make it shine
Start to remember for the first time
So make it right, now let’s make it real
And start to show the world how you feel
Unlock the essence that you conceal
And feel the love that you reveal
No longer will you bow down and kneel
But just defend divinities seal
This is the time we should all make a stand
Embrace the truth across this great land
Radio oh woe woe
Christian Radio oh woe woe
Love is just a leap away
Love is just a leap away
Love is in the air, love is everywhere
Love is in the heart, love is at the start
Music is the way that we touch within our soul
Music is the way that we feel
Love is just a leap away
Love is just a leap away
Love is in the voice, love is in the choice
Love is in the sound, love is all around
Music is the way that we feel within our heart
Music is the break of day
But love is just a leap away
Love is just a leap away
Christian Love, a Quantum Leap away
Quantum Love, a Christian Leap away
Christian Love, a Quantum Leap away
Quantum Love, a Christian Leap away

The Christian Radio in this song refers to the transmitter/receiver effect in the analog frequencies of our music in the concert pitch of A=432 Hz. Christian Radio is a song in two parts. It begins with an idealistic rhyming rap of discovery and self awareness, and evolves into a ballad of significance and hope. The artist reaches an understanding that the true Christian Love will take a Quantum Leap of Faith involving the frequencies of music in Hz or radio waves, and the cosmic forces or energies of our universe.



A poem that reflects how Man is losing his identity and intellect through the loss of his language. The Dysfunctional Poet is a short ditty about how the social media and digitalization is hurting Man’s language, communication, and functionality. (Pg.15, Functions of the Spirit).

The Mantra

And God
God is Math
The Math is Sound
Sound is the Vibrational Energy
I am the Energy
Energy is Music
and Art

A poem to re-energize your spirit. The Mantra is a poem in the form of a chant that is meant to connect you with the energies of the cosmos. (Pg. 41, Functions of the Spirit).






Enter the rabbit hole if you dare to open your mind. Hurry-Scurry is a poem that is meant to engage the reader into contemplating the meaning of life, why we are here on this planet and the reason that we exist. (Pg. 3, Journey of the Soul).





A poem that is transcribed in the form of a dot.com domain. The Computer Age is an intellectual forecast about how a device that was designed to make life easier for Mankind, has inadvertently changed our existence by making each and every daily routine more tiring and cumbersome. (Pg. 32, Journey of the Soul).

So Complete

You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
And I can hardly believe, the way you're touching my soul
You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
Mistakes I'll never repeat, the way you're touching my soul
Oh baby, I can hardly wait
You really turn me on
You're so amazing, we always can relate
And sing our favourite songs
When I met you I was hurt inside
You came and licked my wounds
You helped me to bring back the good times
You went and gave me the moon
You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
No one could ever compete, the way you're touching my soul
You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
And I can hardly believe, the way you're touching my soul
I like you just a little better every day
I can't believe this is real
I want to tell you so much more than words can say
The way that you make me feel
Something's happening there are changes in my mind
About the way that I am
You helped me to bring back the good times
You brought me back a whole man
You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
And I can hardly believe, the way you're touching my soul
You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
Mistakes I'll never repeat, the way you've captured my soul
You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
You make me feel so complete, you make me feel so whole
La la la la la la, la la la la la la
Make me feel so complete, make me feel so whole.

A lyric about how love can complete and fulfill your life. Originally written as a love song for a female interest, So Complete seems to transcend into much more by becoming like a sonnet for our lives, the Spirit and the Heavens. (Track 9, Forces at Work).

Things I'm Dreamin Of

What does it take to be content?
To lose some weight to no longer rant.
What does it take to be content?
An altered state with time to lament.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
A noble place with someone to love.
These are the things I'm dreamin
Try to relate to the Heaven's above.
What does it take to have success?
To make your mark or be put to the test.
What does it take to have success?
To know your craft, to be the best.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
Keep it safe, fit like a glove.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
To state your case, to give some love.
How does it feel to be right?
Nothing to prove, no one to fight.
How does it feel to be right?
To be in the groove, to see the light.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
Of time and space, of peace and love.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
Such a beautiful place, such a snow white dove.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
A noble place with someone to love.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
Try to relate to the Heaven's above.
These are the things I'm dreamin of
These are the things I'm dreamin of
These are the things I'm dreamin of
These are the things I'm dreamin of
These are the things I'm dreamin of
These are the things I'm dreamin of
These are the things I'm dreamin of
These are the things I'm dreamin of
Oh yeah, all right

A lyric inspired by the musical number, “These are a few of my favorite things”. Things I’m Dreaming of is a song that tries to bring back a perspective in which significance in our lives plays an important role in our daily activity. It attempts to do this by asking the question What does it take? (Track 10, Forces at Work).

Nothin Means Nothin

I used to have a good life
I thought I knew the way
But now I'm feelin so sad
This is all I have to say
Nothin means nothin
That is just the way
But somethin could mean nothin
For the rest of all our days

Love could be a fine thing
Love could be the way
Love can make your heart sing
And love can make you pay
Feelin alone
That'll come what may
Here by the phone
Fadin away

Nothin means nothin
That is just the way
But somethin could mean nothin
For the rest of all our days
I thought I had a good life
I thought I knew the way
And now I don't know nothin
And that's all I have to say

This song starts out with an idealistic view of having a good life, and ends with the pessimistic realization that an insignificant life has no meaning. Nothin Means Nothin is a song that shows how the quality of life can be greatly reduced by government policy changes that are down played as being nothing. The ironic twist is how this little nothing can mean something for the rest of all your days. Implied references to George Bush’s Patriot Act, and homage to Forest Gump in the line “And that’s all I have to say”. (Track 3, Death in the Air).


Once upon a time there was a way
When it came to life there was so much more to say
The simple pleasures of a man and wife
A little child, a baby on the way
Now times are changing ever so fast
From the future shocka-rockin' up through the past
Well this is causing a big backlash
Yes this is causing a big backlash
Men just want to be with other men
Loud aggressive women that aren't feminine
The squeaky wheel gets all of the oil
And societies policies are changed with their toil
Now all the minorities have a bigger share of the say
Reverse discrimination of the white man's way
There are women's rights, and animal rights
And minority rights, what about men's rights, yeah
It's so much harder for a man to date
From the fear of aids and the womens group hate
It's easier to go to a strip club
Put a few dollars down and do the rubadub
Well this is causing a big backlash
Yes this is causing a big backlash
The backlash of the backlash
Of the very big backlash of the very backlash, yeah
Knick-knack paddywhack, give the dog a bone
This old man is moving alone
Eeny meeny miney moe catch a lover by the toe
If she hollers let her go or you know where you will go
The backlash the big backlash
The backlash the big backlash
Yes this is causing a big backlash

A song that questions the logic of the status quo and how it is being manipulated. This lyric comes across as an infectious rhyme about the backlash of reverse discrimination in our politically correct modern world. (Track 9, Death in the Air).


And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to say goodbye
And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to sing a song
And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to swear an oath
And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to say a prayer
You can be spiritual by being yourself
You can be spiritual promoting good health
You can be spiritual by sharing the wealth
You can be spiritual, you can be spiritual
You just need to feel what's inside of your heart
And you'll make the choice but you'll have to be smart
By doing your own thing with a positive chart
And never look back and never depart
And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to join a club
And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to wave a flag
And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to wear a badge
And you can be spiritual, but you don't have to go to church
You can be spiritual avoiding the crowd
You can be spiritual by laughing out loud
You can be spiritual from being so proud
You can be spiritual, you can be spiritual
You just need to feel what is right from what's wrong
And you'll make the choice but you'll have to be strong
By doing your own thing cause your time's just so long
And making the world like a beautiful song

A lyric which offers the audience an alternative to religion. Spiritual is a song that wonders aloud, about the benefit of being spiritual as opposed to being religious or atheist. (Track 19, Death in the Air).


You're like a friend who means the world to me
Until the end you're always there for me
You are the north to my south and my east to the west
You're like a perfect lady and why I love you the best
Cause you sustain me like a bountiful feast
And you contain me with your loving release
Without you there's no sun, moon, or stars late at night
Your giving me the strength and all the courage to fight
Your inspiration in the purest form
My acclimation is you keep me safe and warm
Without you in my life I couldn't breathe or eat
There is no other person who can ever compete
It's like that y'all, that's how it came to me
I'll give it back y'all, it's down to you and me
Just look around, it's there for all to see
A better world, our future history, oh yeah
Open your eyes and you will see it too
Look to the skies for a new point of view
The world is changing in the light of day
And rearranging, there's things that we can all say
It's time to wake up and pull our heads from the sand
And try to shake things up, it's time to heal the land
This is our last call and there's no second chance
Our planet's dying in the political dance
Think about it, talk about it
Scream and shout it, dream and tout it
Let's talk about it, love about it
Pray about it, let's talk about it
It's time for change, feel the love
It's like that y'all, i'll give it back y'all
Here is the story

Finally, a love song to our planet, and how much it should mean to us. World is a poetic gesture which gives thanks and pays tribute to the body of life that we call Mother Earth. How would our lives be if our Great Mother gets too old and sick to provide for us? What, if anything are we doing to help our Mother in her most crucial time of need? (Track 25, Death in the Air).

God is a Collective

Did God make man or did man make the God?
People don't understand bout the shape of it all
It's said God's like the perfect man but he's a jealous God
And he seeks out our companionship so he's the lonely God
I felt from the wrath bout the way that things is
You just don't understand bout the shape of the gist
That's why I feel God is a collective
That's how I know God is not selective
If we look to the clues of how life trains us to act
A more cooperative view gives us more time to react
I tried to realize what is wrong from what's right
But the way things are goin man I'm always startin a fight
Do unto others as you'd have them do to you
Love one and other with a more positive view
Let the spirit take you, let the spirit set you free
Funny how it's always mentioned bout the spirit of a team
That's why I feel God is a collective
That's why I feel God is a collective
That's how I know God is not selective
That's how I know God is not selective
God is a collective God is a collective
God is a collective God is a collective
God is a collective

A poem which attempts to intuitively describe that which cannot be described. God is a Collective is a song which states why God is not solitary but a collective one which is in fact not selective. (Track 1, God Matrix: Oscillation 666).

The Way That You Make Me Feel

I want to touch you all over
So I can feel I'm in clover
But I can hardly reveal
The way that you make me feel
There's such a sense of power
And I can't wait for an hour
Cause I can never resist
The feelings I've duly missed
Sometimes you drive me crazy
Until my mind goes hazy
And there's no time like right now
I wonder where, when and how
I can't begin to explain
This force of pleasure and pain
Do what I can to survive
You make me feel so alive
I feel the passion burning
From my heart strong yearning
Don't tell me this is a dream
Cause' I won't know where I've been
If I seem out of touch
Its cause' I care just so much
And time and time I'll agree
Your right where I want to be
I can't imagine the day
When we'll have nothing to say
Cause' you show so much control
You're deep down into my soul
I want to touch you all over
So I can feel I'm in clover
But I can hardly reveal
The way that you make me feel

A love song that explores the complex tide of emotions as the heart awakens the senses to the physical side of love. The Way That You Make Me Feel is a lyric which describes the different feelings that one can experience during moments of love, passion and desire. (Track 1, God Matrix: Star of David).


I'm a man past the age of 21
I'm a man I'd say my life has just begun
I'm a man I need some social guarantees
I'm a man whose into video disease
I'm a man that likes to have a lot of fun
I'm a man won't take my loving on the run
I'm a man I need some social guarantees
I'm a man that likes to please
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetics
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetics
Put them on in the morning for your work
Put them on don't think that I'll smell like a jerk
Put them on and have girl's interest's stay alive
Put them on and try to keep me satisfied
Put them on when you go out for a date
Put them on maybe it'll help to seal my fate
Put them on if only just to please yourself
Put them on for mental health
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetics
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetics
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetics
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I need my cosmetics
I'm a man past the age of 21
I'm a man I'd say my life has just begun
I'm a man who often likes just what he sees
I'm a man whose into video disease
I'm a man who likes to have a lot of fun
I'm a man won't take my loving on the run
I'm a man I often like just what I see
I'm a man that likes to please
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetics
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetics
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I like my cosmetics
Cosmetics, cosmetics, I want my cosmetic

This is a song which examines what great lengths that people will go to because of the influence from advertising. Cosmetics is a lyric that is both funny and sad as it describes the power of the media and advertising on its prey. (Track 12, God Matrix: Star of David).

Food World

The China man eats spaghetti
Italian man eats chow mein
But I just sit here brown baggin
I guess that things are never ever gona change
The German eats the hot doggie
The Scottish lady likes the barbecue flames
The English man sits with his fish and chips
I guess that things are never ever gona change
I guess that things are never ever gona change
The Yugoslav eats the hot tamales
For Puerto Ricans choosing is a vicious game
An American sips on his soup and sandwich
I guess that things are never ever gona change
I guess that things are never ever gona change
I guess that things are never ever gona change

This poem uncovers the thoughts of the artist while he takes a lunch break at the shopping mall. Food World is a lyric about observation. We see how all races of people act differently in subtle ways. The one thing we all have in common is that we all like to eat. It is a necessity but in this song the artist eats from a self packed lunch in a brown paper bag while he watches the rest of the world eating exotic fare. It tells of the authors’ principle that things are never ever going to change in his own personal world. (Track 13, God Matrix: Star of David).

Sexual Permissiveness

Everybody taking vitamin e
Just to enhance their sexuality
So they go to the bar and try to get real far
Looking like their fools and acting just like stars
Sexual permissiveness sucks sexual permissiveness sucks
And they dance all night and wet their appetite
With the girls that get loose every time they get juiced
And they feel no shame for it's just a game
That starts with a sleaze and ends up with disease
Sexual permissiveness sucks sexual permissiveness sucks
And a man gets aids just because he's gay
Then donates some blood in the usual way
Until it falls upon a haemophiliac
Well look out boom-boom his whole life just went black
Sexual permissiveness sucks sexual permissiveness sucks
And he goes on home and gives it to his wife
Who is pregnant at the time so they could start a new life
Now the family of three has the fatal disease
Wipe the scum from his eyes the poor kid's been born blind
Sexual permissiveness sucks sexual permissiveness sucks
And the pestilence starts to cover all the earth
From the decadent friends for what their worth
Cause' their looking for action that is really hot
And they say it is love but they know it is not
Sexual permissiveness sucks sexual permissiveness sucks
Well you think I'm joking but you know I'm not
You can read it in the papers for what kicks have got
If you're feeling lonely better just think twice
Cause' permissiveness is no longer the spice of life
Sexual permissiveness sucks sexual permissiveness sucks
Sexual permissiveness sucks sexual permissiveness sucks

A song about how our attitudes toward sex took a drastic change after the introduction of the deadly disease called Aids (Autoimmune deficiency syndrome). Sexual Permissiveness is a lyric that was written in the form of a rap song, back around 1983, with the hope to reach a wider audience with a social message. This song tells how sex can no longer be treated with abandon and disregard because it may end up taking your life. The song was written after viewing a television program called “The Great Debate” with host Pierre Berton. The topic was the new disease called Aids and had a scientist debating with a politicians argument of pubic education. The scientist was clearly in disbelief and disgust as he lost the debate. At the time of the broadcast there were only 50 cases of Aids in Canada. (Track 8, God Matrix: Star of David).

It’s The Wait

It’s the wait that makes me feel the pain
I feel no shame but reduce my name
For the wait, if I don’t sing my song
It won’t be long before things go wrong
If I hurt myself or my foolish pride
Does it make me cry for feelings I can hide
Cause I’m hoping for the chance of a lifetime
But without the show I know that things won’t go
It’s the wait that makes me live my life
In pain and strife and without my wife
For the wait, it’s a useless game
It makes me lame for in my brain
No holographic logistics will infiltrate me
Or alterate me, I stay the way I be
Cause I won’t let no one confuse me
Or abuse me, I’ll just keep singing
It’s the wait
For the wait
It’s the wait

This song tells of how we are all in some way or another waiting for something in our lives. The Wait is a lyric which reveals the authors sense of urgency towards achieving something of significance or making some form of gesture which will make a difference in his life and the lives of those around him. (Track 2, God Matrix: Spin Quantum Number 1).


When I wake up from a little night’s sleep
Don’t feel too hungry, don’t want to eat
Punching in, get it on the job
Try to show ambition, treated like a slob
In my shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork
Bring home the bacon, make a little back pay
Because time is money, so the people say
And a penny saved is a penny earned
But the way I go through money I’d say I’ll never learn
And there’s shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork
All night long when I put myself on these things that count
Same old routine puts me in the swing and the tension mounts
If I could only put myself in a brand new start
I could be so happy with straight days
But I keep doing it, I’ve got to keep doing it, I can’t take it away
Punchin' in around 12 o’clock
My head starts to hurt from the grapevine talk
Stomachs twisted, got it up in knots
Don’t know what to do about it cause I’ve had my fill of the lot
And there’s shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork
If I could only get myself in a brand new start
All day long when I put myself on these things that count
Same old routine gets me in the swing and the tension mounts
If I could only get myself in a brand new start
I could be so happy with straight days
But I keep doing it, I’ve got to keep doing it, I can’t take it away
Then there’s shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork, shiftwork
It’s like shiftwork

A song that describes the downside of a career that requires a schedule of shiftwork. Shiftwork is a humorous look at a life where one has had to make the trade off of inflicting an unnatural lifestyle of shiftwork in order to secure a good job. The question that begs to be asked is in the concept of does making more money necessarily equate to the reality of a good or better job. (Track 7, Spin Quantum Number 1).


Sitting on the shelf so long
Can’t help thinking that this is wrong for me
Time no longer on my side
I can’t hold back the tide of complacency
We’ve been together, we’ve been apart
Stored up information written into each other’s heart
Just like two bookends, not merely friends
Not reaching out and so happy just to pretend
I just can’t relax, dust settles on the cracks
I feel fine that’s okay, but I don’t have a thing to say
I’ve been out of it for so long
Don’t know when there’s something wrong
It’s hard to start anew when there’s nothing that you can do
Looking out into opposite views
Can’t help thinking there’s nothing to lose but time
From the moment we both met
Two lives held so in check oh what a crime
We’ve been together, we’ve been apart
Stored up information written into each other’s heart
Just like two bookends, not merely friends
Not reaching out and so happy just to pretend
I don't have the time, my life is just so defined
I feel bad that’s okay, cold comfort gets in the way
I’ve been hot and cold, just stuck here in this mould
Try hard to start again but things don’t ever seem to change

A lyric that speaks of a relationship where the participants have become complacent and simply go through the motions. Bookends is a song that reflects what so many married couples begin to experience after the thrill is gone. They stay together for the children or because they are financially trapped, because of their religion, or any other number of reasons. The problem is that the love which brought them together has sadly diminished to the point of crisis. (Track 8, Spin Quantum Number 1).

The Bottom Line

I can't find the reason I can't find the way
No answers to the problem's as our love just slips away
And I feel that it's my time to shine
In a world that keeps losing time
And it feels like I'm losing my mind
For the love has lost its bottom line
It's the bottom line
The people that I talk to the people of the day
Can't figure out their problems while the love keeps fading away
And I hope this old world can move on
Long enough to hear me sing this song
Cause' it feels like were losing the day
On social networks without a thing to say
And it feels like I'm losing my mind
For the love has lost its bottom line
That's the bottom line
Oh can't you feel it
I want to feel to feel it
I've got to feel it
Oh can't you feel it

The more we advance in technology the less we experience in life. The Bottom Line is the compelling story of the artist whose time has come to shine, but the world has become too corrupted for anyone to hear his message. Ironically the one true loss is the love and that which affects us all. (Track 4, An Instance of This).

Work Ethic (Am I Weird)

I like to work hard
Like to be good at everything I do
I look at pretty gals
Interested in shapely bodies too
Most times I'm simple
Other times I'm liable to acting tough
I've got good manners
Always polite to strangers
Am I weird am I weird
I like the nightlife
I talk to girl's that act so blue
Try to be gentle
I'm not no macho man and I just can't get enough
I try to smile a smile
Girl's look at me like I am strange
I hurt inside
Sometimes I feel so stupid
Am I weird am I weird

A brave new world where hard work and moral ethics can have the effect of making you feel socially unacceptable. Work Ethic is an interesting look at growing up in a paradoxical and contrary environment which has the youth questioning their own belief structure. The song juxtaposes the mundane nature of life with the chorus of “Am I Weird”. (Track 9, An Instance of This).


I never wanted to hurt you
I only wanted to see you smile
Cause' it's so right when I'm round you
So fancy free with a relaxed style
There's just one thing I should tell you
You've got me feeling so wild
I always want to see you

But with a love like that it can break your back
When you feel the crack you get a heart attack
And it's all right and it's here tonight
If it feels all right you give oh so tight
And it's all right and it's here tonight
when it's sweet as wine you give it oh so fine

I'm just so glad that I found you
And I'm so darn happy you smiled
Cause' it's so right to be round you
And there's no reason to hide
There's just one thing I should tell you
You've got me feeling so wild
I always want to be near you

But with a love like that it can break your back
When you feel the crack you get a heart attack
And it's all right and it's here tonight
If it feels all right you give it oh so tight
And it's all right and it's here tonight
When it's sweet as wine you give it oh so fine

A love song which apologizes for doing the wrong things for the right reasons. Wild is a roller coaster ride of a song that examines a very emotional and animalistic relationship where the love becomes the casualty. (Track 11, An Instance of This).


These are hard times we don't understand
There's no harmony we should make a stand
These are modern times people just don't care
Not much truth at all better just beware
Everybody join on in to the Procession
Everybody come on lets lend a hand
Everybody join on in to the Procession
Everybody come on let's make a band

This is not the time we should close our eyes
look at natures run see the big red sky
Think about your life how good it can be
There's another side something you can see
Everybody join on in to the Procession
Everybody come on lets lend a hand
Everybody join on in to the Procession
Everybody come on let's make a band

To become aware is the central theme
Think about your life how good it has been
And you'll feel it too think about the cause
Trying to be good trust in nature's laws
Everybody join on in to the Procession
Everybody come on lets lend a hand
Everybody join on in to the Procession
Everybody come on let's make a band

Take a humanistic look at a world which we no longer understand. Procession is a song that shows the unbalance and disharmonious nature of our modern lifestyle and proposes the sentiment that we can all make a difference if we change our ways and join on into the Procession. (Track 12, An Instance of This).


speech that which is spoken, esp. an address to an audience ll the theory of oral communication, e.g. as studied in some colleges

Forces At Work

The fifth and most quintessential year of the new millennium marks my first attempt at speech writing for the “Forces at Work” album insert. (05-05-05).

Read Speech

The Begining of the End

My second attempt at oratory takes place on the follow-up CD “Death in the Air” where the album conclusion is recorded on track 30 as a speech (09-09-09).

Read Speech

Mystic Revolutionary Shaman Artist

The third one is always the charm and this speech is no exception. The writing is intended as an album insert for my yet unreleased “Busker CD” (10-10-10).

Read Speech

What is the God Matrix?

My fourth and quaternary speech of Man was written as a CD insert for the first God Matrix album. Notice how every line is exactly one letter less than the previous line. Divine! (12-12-12).

Read Speech

Art in the Open

This speech is in the form of an introduction letter to the Brampton Arts Council for permission to participate in the sale of my art at the Saturday morning “Farmers Market” April 16, 2013.

Read Speech

Quantum of Soulless

Continuing with the concept of a paradigm shift in humanity the speech “Quantum of Soulless” was written as an album insert for the CD “God Matrix, Star of David” (11-12-13).

Read Speech

Young And Invincible

A speech in the form of a commentary describing the different stages in a Man’s life (09-09-09), track 2, Death In The Air.

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Political Correctness

An oratory of observation which relates how the function of the status quo is to control our behavior under the guise of political correctness (09-09-09), track 8, Death In The Air.

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Mental Quirks

This speech examines how mental illness becomes more and more prevelant as digitalization in society advances and how the masses remain in denial to the notion that there exists a problem (09-09-09), track 22, Death In The Air.

Read Speech

The Unknown Artist

This speech intends to make people aware that most ideas are stolen, and that one can influence society without anyone else’s knowledge of the fact (06-06-2010), "The Truth".

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Analog vs Digital

A speech that intends to make people aware of the difference between analog communication and the now over saturated inferior and inhuman lifeless digital communication of the machine (07-07-2010), "The Truth".

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Leap of Faith

This speech tries to explain how Mankind’s leap of faith will inevitably require a quantum leap of knowledge and understanding (06-30-2012), "The Truth".

Read Speech

Sound & Light

son et lumière sound-and-light spectacle including music and narration presented at some historic sites

The Computer Age

Composed at the turn of the century when no solitary soul could see a downside to the computer, the artist reveals how all that glitters is not gold.

Good Friday

An artistically channeled musical interpretation of how or what the living Christ may have felt during crucifixion.

Christian Radio

The Christian Radio in this song refers to the transmitter/receiver effect in the analog frequencies of our music in the concert pitch of A=432 Hz.